Champions of Climate change denial

4 05 2011

Climate Change Deniers and why they are Idiots

16 04 2011

by Christopher Jay Thompson


There are all these idiots out there that deny climate change and Civilization’s  effect on the environment all together. We live in a society that dumps chemicals and garbage on the ground and in the ocean,and has factories and vehicles that spew toxic smoke into the air. We uproot entire forests for lumber, paper , and to make room for more cities to add to the pollution.

This is Sanbernardino on an average day. Isn't it pretty?

   How can a logical person think that this has no effect on the environment. I guess that’s the point, they aren’t logical. I grew up in San Bernardino county in southern California, which is victim to both air and water pollution(and extreme levels of poverty and crime). If any one has seen the movie Erin Brockovich, the town she was representing was in San Bernardino county.   

San Bernardino county(or  the great western smog bowl as I call it.) is a valley completely  surrounded by mountains. All the smog from L.A. and Sandiego Blows into the valley and stays there. The sky is literally brown. Children have died of lung cancer from just breathing the air.To think that this poison has no effect on the environment is not just stupid, it is Irresponsible.

Let’s get to the root of climate change denial, wich is greedy corporations. They deny climate change because they are of regulations  that would require them to buy expensive equipment to limit factory admissions.Talk about cheap. We have really got to wake up to reality, we are killing ourselves off.Climate change is real, and we must do something before it is too late.


God hates HighSchool

14 04 2011

The nuts at westboro are at it again, now protesting outside of highschools. Is there any limit to their madness?

Here’s the Birth certificate

12 04 2011

Michael Eden claims that God Hates Arabs and that the Bible says so.

12 04 2011

During My time here on Word press I have come across a lot of hate spouting moronic blogs, but one really takes the cake.
The blog in question is “Start thinking Right ” by Michael Eden. The name of this Blog is deceptive, for if one begins to read his articles they realize that his thinking is wrong and Backwards. Indeed an educated person would come to the conclusion that Michael might not Even think at all.

"I am Michael Eden, and god says that he hates Arabs! Yee-Haww!!!"

   I started a discussion with Michael, criticizing him on his unflinching(and often mindless ) support of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and his blatant hatred for Muslims and the entire Arab race. predictive in regards to my criticism of the Occupation he accuses me of hating Jews (wich is not true at all). Then he tries to justify the Occupation of Palestine By quoting the bible, wich is a common tactic of Christian-Zionists(and is usually their only “evidence.”) Then he even claims that god Hates Arabs and says that the Bible says so.
He then goes on to quote some verse in the Bible about Jacob and Esau. Esau has Nothing to do with Arabs. I believe he was Thinking about Issac and Ismael, even then the Bible never says anything about god Hating Arabs.So much for Mr. Eden’s knowledge of the Bible. What kind of Christian uses the name of god to Justify his hatred, and then doesn’t have the biblical knowledge to even back up his claim.
Michael, hate has nothing to do with god.You are not fooling anyone by dressing up your hatred in Christian clothes. Nice try, maybe you should try a different scam. here is a memorable quote from Michael which displays his level of inteligence.”a liberal can have six advanced degrees and recite a plethora of academic papers, and be totally discombobulated by smart uneducated people armed with nothing more than an actual understanding of history.” Yes Michael, smart Uneducated people, that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, well, next to the thing about God hating Arabs. It’s funny how Michael, in trying to claim he is smart, tells people that he is uneducated. Yes, because people really have confidence that uneducated people Know history. Wouldn’t knowing history require one to be educated, even self-educated? Mikey, you have definitely earned that dunce cap.

Here is a link for my readers to check out this disgusting blog themselves,

The Imbecile’s Guide to Discrediting Intelligent Rebuttals to your blog

10 04 2011


1) Point out all of the comment’s grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes to help discredit the commentors intelligence.

2) Find any means by which to avoid discussing any of the content in the comment that may disprove your article’s relevance.

3) If the commenter asks any questions that you don’t have the answer to, tell them that the article already answered those questions; even if it doesn’t(especially if it doesn’t)

4) Accuse the commenter of being a Socialist,  Communist,  Hippy, liberal, or Anarchist.(as all of these words are interchangeable)

5) If said commenter has the nasty habit of stating facts,demand that they give you proof. If the have the audacity to actually give you proof, find ways to discredit the intelligence of their sources.

6) If none of the above tactics work, resort to vicious name calling.

7) if that still doesn’t work, delete the comment, and ban anymore comments from this person.

God Hates Assholes

4 03 2011

God Hates fred

I am sure by now everyone Knows about Westboro Baptist Church. I found out about these fake ass christians over a year ago. the Assholes have been doing this crap for years to get attention, now thanks to the supreme court, they have national attention. Hey, Westboro, God Hates you!

Fred Phelps is the leader of this three-ring circus.  Fred you are wrong, god doesnt hate Fags. God Hates as assholes. These Kind of Christian extremist are everywhere in this country, Quite a lot of them have blogs on wordpress.Haters, of not Just Homosexuals, But of Evil things like Islam, freedom, liberals, education, and the working class.

Find something to hate and I guarantee, someone will find a way to twist scripture to Justify it. This is not what Jesus taught. He didnt say to hate everyone, Jesus preached love.  Before you go around telling everyone  that they are going to hell, take a look in the mirror(which might be difficult fo fred). Fred doesn’t know any better saying he was probably born before the civil war. Seriously, how old is this hater.

Some one should start a new campaign: God hates assholes

Stupidity is an Contagious disease that is infecting our Nation.

22 02 2011

 Ever since I was a child, I realized people were idiots. But int the past ten years the IQ of the United states has taken a plumet. I rember when I could relax knowing that Rush Limbaugh was the dumbest  right winger  in the media. Now  we have mental midgets like Bill O’riely and Glen Beck. But, that’s not all there are entire  “news”  networks populated with i.diots. Peolpe with there stupid “Comunists are taking over the country” conspirracy theories. It’s like a flash back from the 1950s and the Mccarthy hearings. Sorry to tell you  this  Glenn, but the country has already been taken over   by Fascist morons. Acording to Glen beck  the Comunists are co conspiring with the “Islamo-fascists”. 

 This kind of rubbish is spreading like wild fire. Idiotic theories as Obama being a  a Muslim Socialist/comunist who was born in Kenya. What? First of all, republican’s do not realize that comunism and socialism are two different things.  Second of all  there are countries that  thrive under socialism, Evil nations such as Switzerland and The netherlands. Wach out, the Swiss are going to take over the world. thirdly, WTF!!!!

No form of media is safe from these Blubbering Idiots. Blogging has also Become Moronpublican territory.One of these Idiots in particular Is Michael Stollaire, who’s entire  blog here on word press is deticated to the Idea that the Evil comunist democrates are leading the country in to ruin. Exactly how are they doing that Michael, by cleaning up the messes that republicans have made? Any one who doesn’t make the Rich richer and the poor porrer, is a communist in the eyes of Republicans. The thing is , I would take communism over Fascist corporate bullshit any day. Why don’t  You guys just be Honest why you dont like Obama, he’s Black, and he puts limits on your evil ass corporations.

Please do me a favor and grow a brain.