Occupy Wall Street and the Media Smear Campaign

2 11 2011

Anyone who has watched the news in the past month has heard of Occupy Wall Street, the protest movement that is rocking the nation. The movement has given the working class one voice, united against corporate greed and it’s influence on government policy. The Movement has become big enough to garner media attention. The media coverage of Occupy Wall Street has not all been positive, and in the beginning of the protests was non-existent. Many media outlets have launched an all out smear campaign. The smear campaign is mostly from, but not limited to more conservative media. Of course this should be of no surprise, since most media outlets are major corporations. In the beginning the media tried to make it look like the protestors were uneducated hippies.

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Stupid FDA, Stupid Big Dairy farms picking on the Amish

17 05 2011

By Christopher Jay Thompson

I’m madder than a mad cow. I’m mad mad mad mad mad. Oh yeah, did I mention that I am mad? The FDA, an agency that we all Know is bribed by the Big industrial farms, has  had an Amish farmer arrested  for selling  raw milk  across state lines. Since when has unpasteurized milk become an Illegal substance? No one got sick from the milk. Now  all things natural have become off-limits.

This is another attempt by the FDA, and corporate farms to  keep small farms from making a living. If it wasn’t for the Corporate farms lobbying(bribing) politicians, this would not be a legal issue. The government want complete control of the food supply so they can have complete control of us.It’s funny how Big farms can use growth hormones and steroids and all kinds of unhealthy stuff on their cows to help them profit more, but it is Illegal for a farmer to sell natural milk. We are losing our freedom.

When are Americans Going to stop being the Corporations’ Bitches

17 05 2011

By Christopher Jay Thompson.

I am sick of living under the Iron fist of corporate rule. It has gotten to the point where major corporations have more power than governments. We think that our current president, but the president is the same president who has been in power since the end of the 1800’s. That president is big Oil, its cabinet members are the coal industry, Wal-Mart, Fox, Disney,Sony, the Auto industry and other corporate Entities.

When are Americans going to realise that they have been made into the Bitches of the Major corporations, mainly the corporations that control the supply of energy. Yet any time anyone wants to limit the power of the All powerful corporate elite they are called communists and Un-American. I think the all-encompassing power of wall street is un-american.

The corporate world is the biggest threat to our freedom than anything else in the world, but we have become so dependant on our corporate masters that we cannot see through the lies. Why are Americans so willing to bend over and take one for the team. This country was built on the Idea of personal freedom, not free enterprise.
We have gotten to the point that we don’t even Know how to grow food or make our own clothing. We would be helpless without the corporations. They take advantage of that fact. Maybe we need to relearn to do thing for ourselves so we won’t be so dependent on them in order to survive. It is cool to have interesting things like cars, computers and tv’s, but it isn’t cool to be dependent on greedy companies in order to survive. Slavery is slavery regardless of the form it takes. I believe it is time to stop being slaves.

The American Dream Is An American Lie A Long As Corporations Are In Control

7 05 2011

                                                   by Christopher Thompson

In the United states, the gap between the haves and the have-nots is increasing. the people who do all the work have nothing,while the fat cats who sit on their buts doing nothing keep getting richer.The empire of the elite is built on the broken backs of the working class. How is this right? I seriously doubt that our founding fathers intended this country to be ran by the corporate elite.

A subject that most Americans do not Know of, is that of corporate personhood. So, what exactly is corporate personhood? The Idea of corporate personhood is the idea that a corporation is legally a person, and therefore deserves the same rights and privileges as citizens. This concept is backed by the united states government. Nowadays corporations have more rights than people do. This ideology led to the  deregulation of the corporations during the bush administration, which was on of the major causes of our recent economic collapse.

      Today we live in a world in which corporate interests are the main driving force of political policy. Any law or regulation designed to protect citizen or the environment will pass, but only if it doesn’t infringe the corporations’ “right” to profit. So if the politicians make the rules and corporations influence political policy, then one could conclude that corporations make the rules.

   Here in the United States, citizens do not work for the politicians, the politicians work for the citizens and corporations are not citizens. We need to raise our voices and say “enough is enough”. Political policy should coincide with the needs of the people and not the greed of corporate America. When the government becomes corrupt, it is our right, if not our duty, to petition the government for a redress of grievances and there by influencing policy. As Gandhi said:

 “If the people lead, governments will follow”

Well, it is time for the people to lead.

The Venezuela Conspiracy:How the United States Engineered a coup.

19 04 2011

                          By Christopher Jay Thompson

 Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela has been constantly demonized by the United states government and media. Being labeled a dictator and a socialist, neither of wich are true. Most americans probably view him this way. Chavez  was so arrogant as to bring down the ruling regime that was selling Venezuela out to the American oil companies and slaughtering the poor. The first dastardly deed that Chavez did was to take the land away from the 2 percent of the population and give it to the other 97 percent of the population. He also evenly distributed the profits gained by oil production, to the people. Hugo Chavez has also been called an enemy of democracy, well I guess if your idea of democracy is letting the United States rape your resources, then, yes he is.

      With the control of Venezuela’s oil going to the people, they raised the price on oil exports. This of course pissed off the corporations and the U.S. politicians tha invested in these companies. As one politician said ” they do not have America’s  interests in mind”. Well, why should they? Who are we to tell other countries what to do?  Most of our operations in South America were about natural resources, and the installation of dictators to ensure the exploitation of those resources by American corporations. Chavez is hated, mostly because of the influence of corporations such as Exxon who feel  like they have been ripped off by Mr. Chavez.

     Before Hugo Chavez came into power, the inflation rate of Venezuela was 70 percent. The current rate for that country is 29 percent. Pretty good for an ” evil socialist dictator”. Here are more examples of the evils of this dictatorship:

       – free college

     –  free health care

    – housing opportunities for the poor

     – drastic decrease  of poverty.

God save us all from  this menace! We should do whatever it takes them democracy(enslavement  under U.S. corporations). The United States government hates Chavez because Venezuela, the largest  oil producer in OPEC, won’t sell their oil at ridiculously low prices.

     In 2002, funded by U.S.  charity and Financial  organizations, a group of wealthy Venezuelans staged a coup and kidnaped Chavez. They produced a phony letter from Chavez that said he was resigning. The two main sources of funding for the coup were the National Endowment Democracy(NED) and the International Monetary fund(IMF).  Both of these organizations are regulated by the U.S. government and funded by tax money.

             Roger Noriega, the U.S. assistant secretary of state at the time said “Just because it happened after we provided support to these groups, doesn’t mean it happened because we provided support to these groups”. Talk about double speak. The short-lived coup put  Pedro Camorra, a prominent business man into power. They attempted to absolve the Venezuelan constitution and take back control of the land, which was now being used by farmers.This coup sought to undo all of the good that Chavez worked hard to achieve.

  Why did America back the coup? Why are we always meddling in the affairs of countries of South america? this question had been answered long before by Richard Nixon who said “Nobody gives a shit about that place”. Sadly, for the most part that is true.So, when ever you think we are a kind and loving nation remember Nixon’s words. The united states around behaving like a mafia boss, and yet we wonder why we are disliked by most of the world. America’s foreign policy is corrupt, period. We need to stop putting our noses  in everyone elses business.

The Department of Defense?

17 04 2011

Immune to the pain

14 04 2011

From Kent State to Lybia: U.S. Government Hypocrisy at it’s best

30 03 2011




                                                                     writen by Christopher Jay Thompson


 The situation in Libya reminds me of something that happened during another war, the Vietnam war. Yet it isn’t something  that happen on the other side of the world, It happened here inthe good ol’ USA. That incident was called the Kent State massacre.

 Here is a little history lesson for those of you who are not familiar with the Kent State massacre. On May 4th of  1970, at Kent State University in Ohio,  National guardsmen  opened fire on college students who were peacefully Protesting against the Vietnam war. Four of the victims died, nine others were seriously wounded.

This is something that  barely happened  41 years ago. So, it wasn’t that long ago. What recently happened  in Libya is Just  the Kent State Massacre on a grander scale.So, what right Does the  United States government have to take part of coalition offensive for something the US government has done itself; killed its own people. I mean, come on, it’s not like the Kent State incident is ancient history. It is utter hypocrisy .

KING OF THE HILL:Peter King’s Mccarthy hearings on Islam

7 03 2011

Congressman Peter King

On march 10, Peter King, the chairman of the House Homeland security commitee is holding Hearings on Radicalization of Islam. These Hearings are reminiscent of the Mccarthy hearings, The pourpose is to Investigate the entire Muslim  community on the basis that a hanful of Muslims might become radical terrorists. This seems like  a prime example of Republican  Hysteria towards muslims. It doesent suprise me that King is in full suport of nutcase John Boehner. Acorrding to King there is a serious threat inside the Islamic comunity, and even though it is a very small percentage. This kind of .behavior from politicians is fueling the Anti-Muslim Hysteria that is sweeping this nation.

I find it funny that Congressman King Is investigating the Muslim community for links to terrorism, saying  that He is a firm Supporter of the IRA, an organization that is labled as a terrorist group internationaly. Why is a man who supports  terrorism, the head of a committe on homeland security. Obviously this hearing has nothing to do with terrorism, since King supports a terrorist group, It is all about bigotry.

It is sad that in the  21st century our country is reverting back to 1950’s cold war hysteria. These hearings are not Just Immoral, and stupid, they are Unconstitutional, and threrfore illegal.. Istill Remember Bush claiming that this is not a war on islam, only to say a couple years later that this is a war on Radical Islam. They might as well just drop the radical part. The christian right  is waging political was against islam in the United states. Right now our pollitical system is treading on dangerous waters with thier tea party political agenda. These kind of Politicians care nothing about the safety of this country, they are Just trying to prepetuate a holy war. This Is exactly why politics and religion do not mix, and why we must defens th 1st amendment.

More-on Idiots!

23 02 2011

I can’t stand frickin  right-wing assholes who think that order for  us to be free(we meaning those with power)The rich have to screw the poor with no vaseline, and the poor need to shut up bend over ant take one for the team.  What’s worse  are the poor people who are kissing ass to their rich slave masters. I always find it funny when all these right-winger are so far right , that they think the media is too liberal. the only liberal media is the Internet. If the government get’s their way, the internet will be as controlled as the rest of the media, by Pseudo-religious fascist republican overlords.  Why are people so brainwashed? May be they need to stop watching  TV and listening  to talk radio and start reading. By reading, I mean something educational that is based on facts, and not written raving mad conspiracy nut, or Christian coalition lackey.

Another example of  Idiocracy that makes me angry are  So called religious people  who do nothing but pervert the teachings of their true spiritual teachers.  People who use Spiritual teachings, not to enlighten the world and bring peace, but to do evil, and spread hatred. using the spiritual as a platform, for ignorance to stand on. Nothing is worse than followers  of a man who said ” The truth will set you free” encouraging people to be Ignorant,  and looking down on people who are truly learned.  a lot of science is also founded on ignorance, because to get a  bigger view on reality , scientists would have to throw away the taboo’s that get in the way of  the field’s ability to bring human Knowledge forward.

The truth is this. most People don’t want to Know the truth, because it is more convenient to stay Ignorant. To seek the truth is difficult, especially when you find it.