God hates HighSchool

14 04 2011

The nuts at westboro are at it again, now protesting outside of highschools. Is there any limit to their madness?

Michael Eden claims that God Hates Arabs and that the Bible says so.

12 04 2011

During My time here on Word press I have come across a lot of hate spouting moronic blogs, but one really takes the cake.
The blog in question is “Start thinking Right ” by Michael Eden. The name of this Blog is deceptive, for if one begins to read his articles they realize that his thinking is wrong and Backwards. Indeed an educated person would come to the conclusion that Michael might not Even think at all.

"I am Michael Eden, and god says that he hates Arabs! Yee-Haww!!!"

   I started a discussion with Michael, criticizing him on his unflinching(and often mindless ) support of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and his blatant hatred for Muslims and the entire Arab race. predictive in regards to my criticism of the Occupation he accuses me of hating Jews (wich is not true at all). Then he tries to justify the Occupation of Palestine By quoting the bible, wich is a common tactic of Christian-Zionists(and is usually their only “evidence.”) Then he even claims that god Hates Arabs and says that the Bible says so.
He then goes on to quote some verse in the Bible about Jacob and Esau. Esau has Nothing to do with Arabs. I believe he was Thinking about Issac and Ismael, even then the Bible never says anything about god Hating Arabs.So much for Mr. Eden’s knowledge of the Bible. What kind of Christian uses the name of god to Justify his hatred, and then doesn’t have the biblical knowledge to even back up his claim.
Michael, hate has nothing to do with god.You are not fooling anyone by dressing up your hatred in Christian clothes. Nice try, maybe you should try a different scam. here is a memorable quote from Michael which displays his level of inteligence.”a liberal can have six advanced degrees and recite a plethora of academic papers, and be totally discombobulated by smart uneducated people armed with nothing more than an actual understanding of history.” Yes Michael, smart Uneducated people, that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, well, next to the thing about God hating Arabs. It’s funny how Michael, in trying to claim he is smart, tells people that he is uneducated. Yes, because people really have confidence that uneducated people Know history. Wouldn’t knowing history require one to be educated, even self-educated? Mikey, you have definitely earned that dunce cap.

Here is a link for my readers to check out this disgusting blog themselves,

Right-Wing, Anti_islamic and Christian Zionist Blogs on word press

7 04 2011

Here are three Fascist right wing sites that promote Anti-Islamic hatred and bigotry. the First two accused me of Anti-semitism because I dont support Israel’s extermination of the palestinian people. Anti-Zionism does not equal anti_semitism.

the third blog is a blog that  claims to promote religious freedom by telling Muslims that they need to get out of America. the Minute you start stating facts to these kind of people they start claiming that you are predudice and evil. feel free to go to these sites and raise your voice against there false truths. But you will probably be accused of things that arent true and they will only side step your questions.




and here is another hateful blog by a Newzealander who thinks he Knows about american politics, and he supports the teaparty. Nuff said


here is another one


The Most dangerous religious movement in America: might not be who you think

1 04 2011


• Christian Action for Israel (


This website promotes Christian Zionism.  


• Irvine H. Anderson,



• Paul Boyer,



• Elias Chacour,



• Colin Chapman,



• Victoria Clark,



• Dan Cohn-Sherbok,



• John Hagee,


Jerusalem Countdown (This book promotes Christian Zionism.  


• Mitri Raheb,



• Timothy Weber,



• Jean Zaru,



For more information, contact:

Office of Interfaith Relations

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA

475 Riverside Drive, Suite 880

New York, NY 10115

Phone: 212-870-3403


Why We Should Be

Concerned About

Christian Zionism

• It can lead to the dehumanization of Israelis and Palestinians

Because Christian Zionism bases support for the State of Israel on its supposed

role in the end of history, its adherents tend to treat Israelis and Palestinians not

as neighbors to be loved, but as pawns in a cosmic drama of divine vengeance and

retribution. The conclusion of this drama involves the death of all non-Christians,

including Jews, through apocalyptic warfare or divine judgment. Given these

beliefs, even many Jews wonder if the movement promotes proper Jewish-

Christian relationships and question the nature of the movement’s support for


• It is not based on traditional teaching or doctrines of the Church

Christian Zionism and its theological presuppositions are nineteenth-century

innovations in Christian doctrine. The most prominent spokesperson for these

beliefs was John Nelson Darby (1800-1882). Although the advocates of Christian

Zionism and its underlying theology sometimes claim to base their beliefs on

ancient understandings, generally scholars recognize these to be recent


• Evangelical Christians are concerned

Ideological Christian Zionists sometimes claim that they speak on behalf of all

American evangelicals. This is not so. Many evangelicals in the US do not want to

be identified as ideological Christian Zionists. Several prominent evangelical

spokespersons have spoken out strongly against this ideology, recognizing how it

contradicts the central commitments of Christianity to justice and peace-making.

Many question its theological assumptions.


Christians in the West must ask themselves questions about

the influence of Christian Zionism on US public opinion. It

grieves the member communions of the National Council of

the Churches of Christ in the USA to note that many

Christians visiting the land of Jesus’ birth, death, and

resurrection are not even aware of the existence of Arab

Christians, and do not have opportunities to interact with

local Christian communities. One step toward addressing this

concern is for Christians in the West to become better aware

of Christian Zionism and its effects, including the history,

theology, and forms of biblical interpretation underlying this

ideology. Please take the time to learn what this movement

is all about, get involved, and continue to “pray for the

peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6).

Christians are troubled when injustice is committed. We are especially troubled

when it is perpetuated through the appropriation of Christian theology for

ideological purposes. One such misappropriation is commonly referred to as

Christian Zionism.


Christian Zionism may be defined either broadly or narrowly. Broadly speaking, it

designates any Christian support for the national revival movement of the Jewish

people realized through the establishment of the modern State of Israel

(historically known as Zionism). More narrowly defined, Christian Zionism is an

ideology grounded in beliefs which consider the State of Israel to be divinely

ordained and scripturally determined with a central role in ushering in the end of

history, where unconverted Jews and unbelievers (including Christians who are

considered to be of questionable status) are judged by God’s wrath. It is the

narrower form that causes immediate concern.


There are a number of reasons why this narrow ideological form of Christian

Zionism raises concerns for the member communions of the National Council of the

Churches of Christ in the USA. Among these are the following:

• It is a movement with negative consequences for Middle East peace

Christian Zionism, in its narrow ideological form, encourages political advocacy

committed to preserving control over all of historic Palestine for Jewish people

alone, including the West Bank and Gaza strip, to ensure the realization of the

movement’s own end-times hopes. This ideological approach rejects any peace

process built on a negotiated settlement towards a two-state solution to the

conflict. Leading advocates of this ideology have formed themselves into

oftentimes very public and well-funded political action groups whose aim is to

prevent any negotiations that may lead to a two-state solution to the conflict.

• It fosters fear and hatred of Muslims and non-western Christians

Prominent spokespersons for Christian Zionism are known for promoting negative

stereotypes of Muslims and Middle Easterners, including Middle Eastern Christians.

They often accuse these Christians of siding with Muslims against the US and the

State of Israel in a cosmic battle of good and evil, thus questioning their Christian

faithfulness. Rather than fostering understanding and cooperation with neighbors,

ideological Christian Zionism often teaches Christians in the US to harbor suspicion

and enmity towards Muslims and non-westernized Christians. When it does so, the

movement negates Christ’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew


Occupied with Nonviolence: A Palestinian Woman Speaks

On the Road to Armageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel’s 

Best Friend

I Am a Palestinian Christian

Christians and a Land Called Holy: 

How We Can Foster Justice, Peace and Hope

)• Charles P. Lutz and Robert O. Smith,


The Politics of Apocalypse: The History and Influence of 

Christian Zionism

Allies for Armageddon: The Rise of Christian Zionism

Whose Promised Land?

Blood Brothers

When Time Shall be No More: Prophesy Belief in 

Modern American Culture

Biblical Interpretation and Middle East Policy: 

The Promised Land, America, and Israel, 1917–2002



• Churches for Middle East Peace: http://www.cmep.org

• Dar Annadwa: http://www.annadwa.org/en

• Holy Land Trust: http://www.holylandtrust.org

• Institute for the Study of Christian Zionism: http://www.christianzionism.org

• Peace Not Walls (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America):


Jesus!! What the Hell!?

28 02 2011

It seems like you can’t get anywhere on word press when it comes to christian Ideas. Even when you start of being nice, If you have a unique position on anything about faith, you get attacked by a pack of rabid dogs. mind you this only happens  when you speak the truth, and spread love and speak out against hate and lies as Jesus once did while on earth.

 one thing I hear over again, is how Jesus talked so much about hell. Well , not really . Now If you  sit there and count how many times the word hell  occurs in the gospels, while discounting the context in which the word is used, you would think so. You would also have to ignore the fact that the different gospels often repeat the same quotes, wich makes it the same speech, jus a different  gospel. Then if you  come up with your own magical way of interpreting things in  wich turns everything that Jesus talks about into a speech about hell. Jesus spoke more of how to treat each other, how to make earth a paradise and how to make it into the Kingdom of heaven. I even had some Jackass even say that ” Jesus talked about itamore times than heaven, and even made a lot of references to hell”. First of all that isn’t true even if you do all the things that I mentioned, and second, Making references to something is talking about it.

why do christians spend so much time on how to stay out of hell, and to little time on how to get into the kingdom of  heaven. If you truly grasp the teachings of christ, you would realize that staying out of hell doesn’t give you an automatic ticket to heaven. There is a place called  Sheol by the Hebrews, that is where souls that don’t belong in the other  2 places go. A lot of So called christians, are so judgmental (about everyone but themselves). If you point out to these people that being Judgmental, is against the teachings of jesus. and then repeat what Jesus said on the subject, they find away to turn it around on you. I always get “you Just pick and choose what you want from the bible” when they obviously do the same thing and more frequently. I my self do pick and choose from the bible. you can do that since the bible is many books and Just a select few of a much larger  body of writings, which were rejected by the Catholic church. It was the Church that decided which books to put in the bible. Even if this wasnt the case I would pick and choose, there are some really evil teachings in the Bible. the gospels are pretty much all I pay attention to in the Bible cannon. I refuse to follow parts of the old testament where it calls to destroy all non believers. That is evil. You have to have an analytical mind when it comes to religious doctrine. If you don’t separate the good from the bad,well, you get the current state of the world.

The Evils of the new Evangelical Movement

27 02 2011

When I speak of the new Evangelical movement I am not talking about something brand new. I am talking about a  dangerous theology that began with people Like Oral Roberts, and was brought to the mainstream by people such as Pat Robertson. It has imbedded itself in various denominations. It is a politically Conservative  oriented movement and is poisoning the minds of americans as well as in north african countries. One famous person who subscribes to this belief system is former president George W Bush. Groups like the Christian coalition and the American Family Association. It is  a theology that embraces Homophobia, Islamiphobia and censorship. They claim that the constitution does not ban separation of church and state and that their religious beliefs should be the basis of American politics. They also believe that it is their duty to bring about the apocalypse.

  There was a book I looked at , at my local walmart(which is a Christian coalition owned store) , that adhered to this theology. It was saying that such things as Illness and poverty, were not caused by things like microorganisms and greedy corporations, but curses from the devil. Talk about being out of sync with the 21st Century, or the 18th century for that matter. It went on to talk about things that were evil and brought about  such curses. It included such things as sexual fantasies and masturbation, and not following  the Government. So god wants us to  grow up to be sexually frustrated psychos who blindly follow the government. Also it listed things that were evil teachings, Besides Just the Usual christian thing of naming all non-christian religions, It also listed Meditation and martial arts. Last thing we want is for our children to have is a balanced mind, discipline and the ability to defend themselves. I could list all the weird and twisted beliefs of the new evangelism, but that would probably take an entire book.

More-on Idiots!

23 02 2011

I can’t stand frickin  right-wing assholes who think that order for  us to be free(we meaning those with power)The rich have to screw the poor with no vaseline, and the poor need to shut up bend over ant take one for the team.  What’s worse  are the poor people who are kissing ass to their rich slave masters. I always find it funny when all these right-winger are so far right , that they think the media is too liberal. the only liberal media is the Internet. If the government get’s their way, the internet will be as controlled as the rest of the media, by Pseudo-religious fascist republican overlords.  Why are people so brainwashed? May be they need to stop watching  TV and listening  to talk radio and start reading. By reading, I mean something educational that is based on facts, and not written raving mad conspiracy nut, or Christian coalition lackey.

Another example of  Idiocracy that makes me angry are  So called religious people  who do nothing but pervert the teachings of their true spiritual teachers.  People who use Spiritual teachings, not to enlighten the world and bring peace, but to do evil, and spread hatred. using the spiritual as a platform, for ignorance to stand on. Nothing is worse than followers  of a man who said ” The truth will set you free” encouraging people to be Ignorant,  and looking down on people who are truly learned.  a lot of science is also founded on ignorance, because to get a  bigger view on reality , scientists would have to throw away the taboo’s that get in the way of  the field’s ability to bring human Knowledge forward.

The truth is this. most People don’t want to Know the truth, because it is more convenient to stay Ignorant. To seek the truth is difficult, especially when you find it.

when the truth becomes heresy

9 01 2011

to all you who have called me a heretic.

I voice my oppinion, call it oppinion, you insult me and call me a liar and a heretic. you use lies to prove that it is wrong for me to question that which cannot be proven. I call you on your lies, and you attack me  with hatred and insults. when I write about facts, and question your hatred you call me a devil.  when I speak out against your hatred you want to crucify me. If I am so bad and you are so good, then why is it that your words show the opposite. when you insult me and I fire back with insults, you call me childish. But Know this, it is devil’s who are the first to call others devils. If you  take scripture out of context to try to prove your point you are ritcheous, if I use scriptures in their true context, I am out of  line. Why is it that those who claim to have faith, are so fearful of any one  who is not afraid to question the reasons why we believe. if you truly had faith, you would not be fearful of testing that faith. the problem with blind faith is that it is blind. Is it not Jesus  who  said that the blind could not lead the blind?  Why is it that people who claim to follow the teachings of a man who said that the truth shall set you free, are fearfull of seeking the truth? let me ask you a question. do you worship god  or do you worship a book? words in a book can easily be changed, god doesn’t change. so that is the choice that you must take. will you believe in that wich cann be corrupted, or that which is incorruptible?  If you only believe in something only for fear of eternal damnation, do you truly believe it, or is fear the only thing you believe in? If fear is the oppossite of love and god is love, then what is fear? do you worship fear? so the next time you unfairly judge some one remember, by the measure which you judge, is the measure with wich you will be judged.

Mass Hysteria In America :Manufacturing an Enemy

23 08 2010

In the history of the United states there Has always been a group of people labeled as the enemy, in both peacetime and in war. The government has always manufactured fear and hatred towards a praticular group of people in orderto heard its citizens into accepting thier political agenda. First it was the Injuns, then it was the limeys, then it was the blacks, then the Jews, then the Japs and the Krauts, then it was the comunists, Now it’s Muslims Mexicans and Liberals. There has always been some kind of propaganda that labled some group as a menace in order to keep the people of america divided. A people divided is easy to control, a united people is a threat to that control. This has Been the approach of the Rich elite since the days of the colonies. Racial hatred was manufactured to divide poor whites Indians and free blacks( yees in colonial America there were free blacks) to eliminate the threat that they might unite against The rich, tyrranical land owners,and over throw them. This  conditioning of dividing hate has continued throughout the history of the nation. Right now that manufactured hate has returned. Now with  a powerful news media, that is controled by the government(Mainly the right) thas made theis process simple. Not only is this  Machinery of  Hysteria Useful for dividing the people, It is also very Useful as a smoke screen to divert the attention from Important topics, praticulary the two unjust wars that Our nation is involved in. Currently this weapon has been deployed towards Illegal Imigrants and Muslims. The controversy of the Arizona Imigration Law was used as a soke screen to cover over the Issue of the wikileaks realease of war documents of the Iraq and Afgahnistan wars. The latest incident of mass hysteria is the false controversy over the so called “Ground zero Mosque”, wich is neither a mosque or on ground zero. as well as protests against mosques being built in other parts of the country. Labeling Muslims as the enemy has two advantages. One, It will help to destroy the Value of the constitution. Two, It will take the focus away from the wars, and the Unconstitutional politics of Washington. Giving into hatred is giving into the true enemy, The rogue politicians that have been controlling this country before it was a country. America, it is time to take the green pill

The World Police

8 08 2010

   Recently the united states began drafting a nuclear treaty with Vietnam, that will allow them to enrich Uranium and have a civillian nuclear energy program,yet we deny the same to Iran. What’s up with that? We are allowing a country that we were once at war with have a nuclear energy program, yet we deny it to Iran, a country that we were never at war with. Maybe its because Israel  doesn’t hate on Vietnam, and doesn’t like Iran.

  Now lets focus on the middle east. We will not allow any country in the middle east except Israel, to have even a civillian nuclear energy program. Yet we allow Israel to develop nuclear weapons. This is such a double standard. We go around telling everyone what they can or can’t do, like we’re the police. We are not the world police, and we need to stop acting like it. We allow our allies do anything they want, Including civil rights violations, and genocide, while denying countries  that we dont like the ability to even sustain themselves.   Yet we wonder why half the world hates us. The United states government needs to practice what they preach. Stop trying to be the world police.