Boots On the Ground in Uganda

22 10 2011

The United States is sending 100 combat troops into Uganda, as Advisors and trainers, according to CNN. Troops may also end up in other African countries such as South Sudan, The Central African Republic, and the Democratic republic of the Congo. This Is coming at a time when America is over stretched with 2 major wars and operations in Yemen; and is in economic turmoil. It seems strange that we only seem to “help” nations that are rich in natural resources. Could it be that we are really there to help ourselves to their oil? The president assures us that the troops will only be going as advisors. One is reminded of President Johnson when he said the same thing about Vietnam war, and we all know how that turned out. We already have to undeclared wars, and we don’t need another. The 2 wars were are currently in have Bankrupted this country. President Obama is proving that he is just like Bush with a higher IQ.

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We Are the 99 Percent Whether You like it or Not

20 10 2011

What started out as a single protest by a group calling themselves the 99 Percent, has spread across the country and around the world. The Occupy Movement is expressing the disenfranchisement that the working class, both blue collar and white-collar, feel towards what they see as the rich white minority. Fox news has tried to soil the name of the movement by claiming that the protestors are the “liberal fringe” and don’t pay taxes. They want to paint the protestors as dirty Hippies that don’t know what they are talking about, or even what their message is. Of course I would expect a news channel owned by Rupert Murdoch, one of the richest tycoons in the world to spread such a message.
It is no surprise that the rich, and the media that they own would try to demonize protests that are aimed at them. Did they think they could continue to screw over the majority of the population and meet with no resistance? A large percent of the protestors do pat taxes and are very well educated. the Occupy Movement is decrying corporate greed and an extreme disproportionate distribution of wealth.

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A War Torn Decade

10 10 2011

Today marks the 1o year anniversary of the Afghanistan war. Scores of Soldiers have lost their lives, and thousands of civilians have been killed and about a trillion dollars has been spent on this war. The Original goals of the war were to catch Bin Laden dead or alive, and purge the small South Central Asian nation of Afghanistan, both of which have been accomplished. So, Why are we still there? Are we still their? To nation build , like both Bush and Obama both said what weren’t going to do? Are we there to overthrow the Taliban, A job that the previous commander of the war, General Mc Chrystal said was nearly impossible to Achieve? Or, is the Trillions of dollars worth of steel under Afghanistan the reason for staying?

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Obama Pitches Jobs Bill at Press Conference

7 10 2011

President Obama pitched his jobs bill during a Live press conference, broadcasted by ABC News. During his opening statement  the president mentioned that republicans believe that the best thing for the economy was tax cuts for the rich. The tax cuts for wealthy Americans which  began during the Bush presidency are largely blamed  as being one of the reason for the economic collapse. Obama, when speaking about dealing with a Republican congress, said that there was a lot of game playing and that Republicans were more interested in scoring political points than helping the economy. Since  republicans took over as the majority of congress in January there has been a standoff between Democratic law makers and Republicans; which has made progress almost impossible.

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Obama Reveals a Sure Fire Plan for Economic Recovery

27 09 2011

In a town hall meeting hosted by LinkedIn, President Obama showed that he
does know what he is doing when it came to the economy. Despite accusations by
Republicans that he is trying Destroy the country, he shows that he is very much
trying to save the country from an recession that was the Result of the 8 years
of the Bush presidency. He began by addressing the unemployment problem facing
the nation. He said that the American Jobs Act would put people back to work.

In regards to taxes , Obama said that the tax code must be reformed and that
everyone must do their share. I assume by everyone he meant the rich.

He said that the middle class should not pay higher taxes than the rich.

He said that in order for the economy to recover, America must pass the
American Jobs Act. He said that the bill would increase the GDP by 2% and would
increase employment by 1.9%. The numbers might sound small, but from the time
the economy was stable to the beginning of the recession the Unemployment rate
only increased so the small numbers have a large impact.

A small business owner asked the President if Obama if he would get rid of
taxes and regulations that hurt small businesses. To that question, he replied
that the government has already cut taxes for small businesses 16 times since he
has been in office.

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Irvine 11 Convction is a Violation of the First Ammendment

25 09 2011

Ten Muslim students were convicted on Friday of one count each of the charges of  conspiracy and disrupting an assembly;  charges that were brought against them for Interrupting a speech by  Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren at UC Irvine in In may of 2010. They are Known as the Irvine 11, because eleven students took part of the protest, but only ten were put on trial. The students were protesting the Israeli occupation of Palestine, which is labeled by many as genocide. The Irvine 11 were sentenced to 56 hours of  community service, and up to three years of probation.

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Ron Paul Comes Out the Winner in Last Nights Debate

23 09 2011

Last night’s debate was a real proving ground for Republican presidential  hopefuls. It was a no holds barred battle of  wits. The winner of this  round was Ron Paul, the Libertarian Congressman from Texas. Even though he was not asked many questions, what he said counted. Congressman Paul  always says what he means, he doesn’t change his answers to suit his audience. He spares no feelings and never compromises his Ideals. When all of the candidates were introduced  Ron Paul Ron Paul received the most cheers, while Newt Gingrich received the majority of the boos. I enjoyed this debate, as It addressed some very important issues. Most of the Questions came from  online viewers. This was a showdown not to be missed.

One of the first highlights of the evening was when Michele Bachman was asked to answer a question from an audience member of an earlier debate. The question was, “Out of every dollar I earn, how much do I get to keep?”She replied “You earned every dollar, you should keep every  dollar.”Then she goes on to mention that he would have to give some of the money to the government to pay to run the country. Of course we Know this is called paying taxes. So this was a real round about way of avoiding the Question that she never really answered. John Huntsman when asked about the economy said that Natural gas subsidies would alleviate the nation’s woes. Herman Cain supports a flat tax that he calls 999, yet gave no details. Mitt Romney Mentioned that the working class needs the most help in the ailing economy.


10 years in Afghanistan

17 09 2011

Nearly ten years ago the United States invaded Afghanistan, a small nation in
south-central Asia. The USA invaded that country under the premise that the
Taliban was harboring Osama Bin Laden. Because the Taliban did not hand over Bin
Laden. A trillion dollars has been spent, a few thousand troops have died, and
Osama Bin Laden is dead, yet the war moves on.

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Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress is a Display of Zionist Treachery

29 05 2011

by  Christopher Jay Thompson

Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to congress was a glorious display of total disregard for the rights of the Palestinian people. This man is  an arrogant dictator that the world has not seen the likes of  since Adolf Hitler. If you Notice, Netanyahu doesn’t have the Russian accent that is prevalent amongst the majority of Israelis, that’s because he lived a majority of his childhood in the United States. Even though his speech was full of lies and utter fabrications, I got to admit, he is a very good speech maker. Well let us delve into the speech.

Netanyahu began his speech by stating “I do see a lot of old friends here and  I see a lot of new friends of Israel here as well. Republicans and Democrats alike.” and continued by saying “Israel has no better  friend   than America, and America has no better friend than Israel”. What He means is Israel has no other friend but America. Neither Netanyahu, or any other Israeli politician can go anywhere in Europe, Including England, for fear of being arrested for war crimes. As far as the second part goes, Israel is not Americas best friend, We were attacked on 911 because  of our support of Israel. We are fighting terrorists because of Israel. Billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money is sent to Israel every year in the form of weapons, ammunition  and cash  To Israel to help them oppress the Palestinian people.

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Obama Middle East Speech Proves That He has No Intention to Change Foreign Policy

22 05 2011

By Christopher Thompson

I know that I am a little late on Obama’s recent Middle East speech, that’s because I just watched it. There is a lot of buzz around this speech particularly from the religious right about the part of the

speech involving the Israel-palestine conflict. I heard al these right wingers talk about how Obama is Betraying Israel. How do they figure? What I got from the speech is that Obama is screwing Palestine just as much as every politician before him.

First of all, I don’t believe we should be supporting Israel period, just like we shouldn’t have helped create the Zionist state at the end of WWII. Sure Obama talks of a Palestinian state, but not one that has a chance of surviving. I love how our politicians always demands that Palestine acknowledge Israel’s right to exists, yet nobody says that Israel should acknowledge Palestine’s right to exist.

Obama says “Our friendship with Israel is rooted deep in shared History and values.” What, Like the fact that both nations were founded by white Europeans, who went to a land that wasn’t theirs, to kill the indigenous people to steal their land? He also goes on to say that we won’t stand for Israel to be singled out By the International community. Kind of like how The US singles out Iran, while Our Allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia get a license to kill? Even Iran doesn’t go into international waters and attack ships with Humanitarian aid, in violation of Geneva convention rules.

He goes on to state “Every state has the right to self-defense, and Israel must be allowed to defend themselves. ” Yet, his plan calls for a demilitarized Palestine.
Wait, a minute, didn’t he say every state has the right to defend themselves? Yet he calls for a Palestine that is not even allowed the means to defend its self . Israel’s history of “defending” itself is to attack other countries and settle its land, and if those countries truly defend themselves they are called terrorists. Israel doesn’t only occupy Palestinian land, they also occupy land that once belonged to Lebanon , Syria and Jordan. Wow, self-defence really seems to work to Israel’s advantage. every time Israel “defends” themselves, they acquire more land. So, basically when Obama says that every state has the right to self-defense, every one translates to Israel, and self-defense translates to Imperialist expansion.
There you have it folks, Obama has not done a damn thing to change our flawed foreign policy.