We Are the 99 Percent Whether You like it or Not

20 10 2011

What started out as a single protest by a group calling themselves the 99 Percent, has spread across the country and around the world. The Occupy Movement is expressing the disenfranchisement that the working class, both blue collar and white-collar, feel towards what they see as the rich white minority. Fox news has tried to soil the name of the movement by claiming that the protestors are the “liberal fringe” and don’t pay taxes. They want to paint the protestors as dirty Hippies that don’t know what they are talking about, or even what their message is. Of course I would expect a news channel owned by Rupert Murdoch, one of the richest tycoons in the world to spread such a message.
It is no surprise that the rich, and the media that they own would try to demonize protests that are aimed at them. Did they think they could continue to screw over the majority of the population and meet with no resistance? A large percent of the protestors do pat taxes and are very well educated. the Occupy Movement is decrying corporate greed and an extreme disproportionate distribution of wealth.

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This is America. Or is it?

29 05 2011

Welcome to  Future of america. Land of the free, my ass

When are Americans Going to stop being the Corporations’ Bitches

17 05 2011

By Christopher Jay Thompson.

I am sick of living under the Iron fist of corporate rule. It has gotten to the point where major corporations have more power than governments. We think that our current president, but the president is the same president who has been in power since the end of the 1800’s. That president is big Oil, its cabinet members are the coal industry, Wal-Mart, Fox, Disney,Sony, the Auto industry and other corporate Entities.

When are Americans going to realise that they have been made into the Bitches of the Major corporations, mainly the corporations that control the supply of energy. Yet any time anyone wants to limit the power of the All powerful corporate elite they are called communists and Un-American. I think the all-encompassing power of wall street is un-american.

The corporate world is the biggest threat to our freedom than anything else in the world, but we have become so dependant on our corporate masters that we cannot see through the lies. Why are Americans so willing to bend over and take one for the team. This country was built on the Idea of personal freedom, not free enterprise.
We have gotten to the point that we don’t even Know how to grow food or make our own clothing. We would be helpless without the corporations. They take advantage of that fact. Maybe we need to relearn to do thing for ourselves so we won’t be so dependent on them in order to survive. It is cool to have interesting things like cars, computers and tv’s, but it isn’t cool to be dependent on greedy companies in order to survive. Slavery is slavery regardless of the form it takes. I believe it is time to stop being slaves.

Memo from Exxon to Bush administration on climate change

26 04 2011


This is In response to the Climate change deniers that are hounding me and never seem to accept evidence

This memo was sent to the bush administration by Exxon telling Bush how to convince americans that Climate change is not an Issue.

to read the entire memo   click this link  exxon memo






The Department of Defense?

17 04 2011

The Imbecile’s Guide to Discrediting Intelligent Rebuttals to your blog

10 04 2011


1) Point out all of the comment’s grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes to help discredit the commentors intelligence.

2) Find any means by which to avoid discussing any of the content in the comment that may disprove your article’s relevance.

3) If the commenter asks any questions that you don’t have the answer to, tell them that the article already answered those questions; even if it doesn’t(especially if it doesn’t)

4) Accuse the commenter of being a Socialist,  Communist,  Hippy, liberal, or Anarchist.(as all of these words are interchangeable)

5) If said commenter has the nasty habit of stating facts,demand that they give you proof. If the have the audacity to actually give you proof, find ways to discredit the intelligence of their sources.

6) If none of the above tactics work, resort to vicious name calling.

7) if that still doesn’t work, delete the comment, and ban anymore comments from this person.

Right-Wing, Anti_islamic and Christian Zionist Blogs on word press

7 04 2011

Here are three Fascist right wing sites that promote Anti-Islamic hatred and bigotry. the First two accused me of Anti-semitism because I dont support Israel’s extermination of the palestinian people. Anti-Zionism does not equal anti_semitism.

the third blog is a blog that  claims to promote religious freedom by telling Muslims that they need to get out of America. the Minute you start stating facts to these kind of people they start claiming that you are predudice and evil. feel free to go to these sites and raise your voice against there false truths. But you will probably be accused of things that arent true and they will only side step your questions.




and here is another hateful blog by a Newzealander who thinks he Knows about american politics, and he supports the teaparty. Nuff said


here is another one


Forgotten History: The 1954 U.S. invasion of Guatemala

3 04 2011

I was reading”the Esential Chomsky” when I came upon the mention of a conflict I have never heard of before. It was the 1954 U.S. invasion of Guatemala.I thought to myself “What the hell did we invade Guatemala?” The proposition of our government invading this tiny central American country seemed Preposterous.

So I did a little research.Two things led to the invasion, Corporate greed, and  Americas ati-comunist Hysteria.Guatemalla had a new government, the president of that country took unused land set aside for corporations and gave it back to the people, the United states Saw this as a step towards communism. That is ridiculous. Giving the people back what was esentialy theirs is communism? I thought democracy was about the people being in charge. Oh that’s right commun ism is a form of economy not government. So,capitalism, being a system where corporations control everything, is actually working against the foundations of democracy.

The real reason for the invasion was the fact that by giving the land back to the people, it to the land away from the American fruit companies, who would take the bananas without giving anything Back to Guatemala, and profit off of it. Why is it that all of our conflicts since World war 2 have been for the sake of resources and Corporate greed. 

Even the Vietnam war turned out to really be about natural resources. the United states has no business Invading other countries and having the audacity to call it self-defense. we constantly wage wars in the name of rescuing the world of some hypothetical enemy that always has a different name and face, but the same  goal : the destruction of America’s values and “the American way of life” . why do we keep falling for the same tricks. our government only cares about its own gains, and does not care about its own citizens.

From Kent State to Lybia: U.S. Government Hypocrisy at it’s best

30 03 2011




                                                                     writen by Christopher Jay Thompson


 The situation in Libya reminds me of something that happened during another war, the Vietnam war. Yet it isn’t something  that happen on the other side of the world, It happened here inthe good ol’ USA. That incident was called the Kent State massacre.

 Here is a little history lesson for those of you who are not familiar with the Kent State massacre. On May 4th of  1970, at Kent State University in Ohio,  National guardsmen  opened fire on college students who were peacefully Protesting against the Vietnam war. Four of the victims died, nine others were seriously wounded.

This is something that  barely happened  41 years ago. So, it wasn’t that long ago. What recently happened  in Libya is Just  the Kent State Massacre on a grander scale.So, what right Does the  United States government have to take part of coalition offensive for something the US government has done itself; killed its own people. I mean, come on, it’s not like the Kent State incident is ancient history. It is utter hypocrisy .

God Hates Assholes

4 03 2011

God Hates fred

I am sure by now everyone Knows about Westboro Baptist Church. I found out about these fake ass christians over a year ago. the Assholes have been doing this crap for years to get attention, now thanks to the supreme court, they have national attention. Hey, Westboro, God Hates you!

Fred Phelps is the leader of this three-ring circus.  Fred you are wrong, god doesnt hate Fags. God Hates as assholes. These Kind of Christian extremist are everywhere in this country, Quite a lot of them have blogs on wordpress.Haters, of not Just Homosexuals, But of Evil things like Islam, freedom, liberals, education, and the working class.

Find something to hate and I guarantee, someone will find a way to twist scripture to Justify it. This is not what Jesus taught. He didnt say to hate everyone, Jesus preached love.  Before you go around telling everyone  that they are going to hell, take a look in the mirror(which might be difficult fo fred). Fred doesn’t know any better saying he was probably born before the civil war. Seriously, how old is this hater.

Some one should start a new campaign: God hates assholes