God Hates Assholes

4 03 2011

God Hates fred

I am sure by now everyone Knows about Westboro Baptist Church. I found out about these fake ass christians over a year ago. the Assholes have been doing this crap for years to get attention, now thanks to the supreme court, they have national attention. Hey, Westboro, God Hates you!

Fred Phelps is the leader of this three-ring circus.  Fred you are wrong, god doesnt hate Fags. God Hates as assholes. These Kind of Christian extremist are everywhere in this country, Quite a lot of them have blogs on wordpress.Haters, of not Just Homosexuals, But of Evil things like Islam, freedom, liberals, education, and the working class.

Find something to hate and I guarantee, someone will find a way to twist scripture to Justify it. This is not what Jesus taught. He didnt say to hate everyone, Jesus preached love.  Before you go around telling everyone  that they are going to hell, take a look in the mirror(which might be difficult fo fred). Fred doesn’t know any better saying he was probably born before the civil war. Seriously, how old is this hater.

Some one should start a new campaign: God hates assholes