Boots On the Ground in Uganda

22 10 2011

The United States is sending 100 combat troops into Uganda, as Advisors and trainers, according to CNN. Troops may also end up in other African countries such as South Sudan, The Central African Republic, and the Democratic republic of the Congo. This Is coming at a time when America is over stretched with 2 major wars and operations in Yemen; and is in economic turmoil. It seems strange that we only seem to “help” nations that are rich in natural resources. Could it be that we are really there to help ourselves to their oil? The president assures us that the troops will only be going as advisors. One is reminded of President Johnson when he said the same thing about Vietnam war, and we all know how that turned out. We already have to undeclared wars, and we don’t need another. The 2 wars were are currently in have Bankrupted this country. President Obama is proving that he is just like Bush with a higher IQ.

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